Monday, February 21, 2011

Location Assignment 3 - Candid Shot

Location Assignment 3 - Candid Shot

Location Assignment 3 - Candid Shot - Research

Location Assignment 3 - Candid Shot - Research
A candid photograph is one that is usually not posed and is more about spontanity than it is about technique.

Location Assignment 2 - Group Shot

Location Assignment 2 - Group Shot

Make two portraits using flash lighting.

Photograph a group of 6 people. This is a PR shoot of 6 executives. They do not have much time. Your job is to find an outdoor location and get a group shot for their newsletter. The group needs to be posed formally and also a more relaxed lok. The only hitch is the only time they have to get together for the shot during their conference is in the middle of the day.

1. Formal

2. Relaxed

Location Assignment 2 - Group Shot - Research

Location Assignment 2 - Group Shot - Research


- Coordinating a number of people.

- Creating something unique (all group shots seem to look the same)

- Tme of day (has to be midday)

Location Assignment 1 - Portraits

Location Assignment 1 - Portraits

1. Stadard Corporate portrait/headshot with plain background.

2. More creative corporate headshot with plain background.

3. An environmental portrait.

Location Assignment 1 - Portraits - Research

Location Assignment 1 - Portraits - Research

For this assignment I have decided to photograph one of my mum's good friends. She owns a winery with her husband. I went to have a look at her property and business and believe that the vineyard would make a very interesting composition for an environmental portrait. She also has a cafe in which there are some plain coloured walls that would be good for the head shots.

Some examples

Week 10 - Workflow & Lightroom Revision

Week 10 - Workflow & Lightroom Revision

Workflow, Archive, shooting to a deadline

Workflow - quick but properly

- Consistant workflow
- Use card reader
- Lightroom
- Photoshop (if needed)
- Convert to DNG
- Date backwards
- Back up to external harddrive with RAID system
- Metadata
- How long do you process each file for
- Develop photos/process
- Export, sizing file type etc
- Web gallery
- Deadline

- Import
- Copy as DNG
- Name
-Metadata (caption/copyright)
- Select Photos - Culling/Flag
- Caps x = not in use p = inuse
- Develop
- Colour Balance
- Crop/Straighten
- Spotting
- Exposure etc
- Blacks
- Presets
- Export